I’ve just updated, and re-published, the Marlin Roadster page, complete with a comprehensively updated Register of Trials-Prepared Marlins (open the Marlin Roadster page and scroll down to find a link to the PDF file). All the information is from sources in the public domain or has been provided to me by owners and ex-owners over many years. The Register now lists 111 cars, assuming that there are no duplicates in those noted as “?” in the Registration column, out of a total of 193 database records. 193 -111 = 82, which is the number of previous owners in my records.
This is the first update for several years and I hope that I have incorporated, correctly, all the information provided to me by owners and ex-owners. If you have sent me something, and I’ve omitted it or got it wrong, please accept my apologies and please send it to me again.