I’ve deactivated https://twitter.com/wheelspintrials as there seems little point in maintaining the account when so few people in the classic trials world still use Twitter. See this posting in the Classic Trials Facebook Group.
Category: Page updates
Troll T6 page updated
I’ve updated the Troll T6 page, to include two new owners and some minor corrections to other information.
Databases updated
I have just published updates to both the Trials Events Database and the Trials Sections Database. The Events Database now lists over 1400 events, and the Sections Database nearly 1500 event/section combinations, with my normal caveat that both are still very much work-in-progress. Although only a small number of new event/section combinations have been added…
Events Database Updated
I’ve just completed, and published, a major update to the Trials Events Database, which now lists information about nearly 1400 trials over 120 years, including the date of every one of the three major MCC trials. Click the link above, then open the printout, to view.
New ACTC Championship page
I’ve added a new page listing all the events included in the ACTC Championship from its inception in 1984 up to the present day. If I’ve got anything wrong, please let me know using the Contact Me link in the right hand column.
Trials Events Database
As many of you will know, ACTC Chairman Dave Haizelden and ACTC Website Supremo James Shallcross have been updating the Events section of the ACTC Website to include one-page-per-year going right back to the start of the ACTC Championship in 1984, and earlier. Each page lists the dates, where known, of both the Championship and…
Trials Sections Database
Another ‘work in progress’ update. The first, I suspect, of many during the Coronavirus ‘lockdown’. See Trials Sections Database page.
Trials Sections Database
I have made some minor changes to the Trials Sections Database page and published an updated printout from the Database – all 32 pages and 1150+ sections of it. Those familiar with this ridiculously ambitious project will notice few changes to the published data, although this is now displayed in a new format. I still…
Troll T6 page updated (yet again)
A few new bits and pieces of information plus a re-formatting to, I hope, make for easier online reading. See more on the Troll T6 page.
More page updates
Thanks to Arthur Vowden, I’ve managed to unravel the early history of Restart magazine and have updated the Magazines page accordingly. Thanks to Mike Ellis, I’ve made yet more updates to the Troll T6 page, although this is now becoming a bit too long for easy reading and I may have to consider splitting it…